Written by Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe

Purpose: The purpose of financial policies is to establish guidelines for developing financial goals and objectives, making financial decisions, reporting the financial status of an Organisation, and managing the Organisation’s funds. Sound business practices and principles call for each member of staff to be accountable for safeguarding the assets and resources of the university, and for accurately recording the transactions of the university to appropriately report to constituents including shareholders, students, parents, donors, sponsors, and other interested parties.



Written by Dr. Florence Nakayiwa & Mr. Patrick Kaganzi

Executive Summary: This study was commissioned by the Uganda Vice Chancellor’s Forum to document the causes, format and implications of staff and student unrest at universities in Uganda. Using document review and Key Informant Interviews, the study captures the reflections and perspective of key players on students’ and staff unrest in universities. The findings generate comparisons across public and private universities; with the private ones having a slightly better institutional framework to manage unrest.




Written by Samuel Sejjaaka

Abstract: This paper reviews the issues that have led to a dearth of poor funding of public universities. The changing economic landscape, structural adjustment and growing demand have all contributed to making public funding more and more inadequate. There are currently 7 public universities and a host of private Universities/institutions purporting to provide some form of tertiary education. I posit that the proliferation of ‘universities’ is a symptom of a flawed educational policy that presupposes that supply will create its own demand. Further, it is obvious the rush to seek higher education has led to a failure in delivering quality and maintaining a research agenda in public universities. The fact is that university education should not be taken as a privilege. It is however too late for public universities to remain the ivory towers they used to be. They must become businesslike and debureaucratize. They must become socially relevant development partners, creating and inventing products that improve their communities. They must rationalize their wage bills and create endowments that make them sustainable businesses.


Written by:  Vice Chancellors Forum Task Force

Proposal: This paper seeks that Parliament would review the legislation and policy on tax levied on private higher education institutions, most especially universities